Canon IR ADVANCE C5240 driver

The Canon C5240 driver is a printer driver for the Canon Pixma IR ADVANCE C5240 printer. This allows you to print from your computer to a Canon Pixma IR ADVANCE C5240 printer.

This driver is required to print documents and images from your computer on a Canon Pixma IR ADVANCE C5240 printer.

How to install driver for Canon IR ADVANCE C5240 printer

  • In the table below, select the operating system that suits you;
  • Download the driver or software by clicking on the “Download” button
  • After the download is complete, run the file. To start, in most operating systems, you need to double-click on the installation file and follow the prompts of the wizard.
  • The “Installation Wizard” will help you install the printer driver and software correctly

Canon IR ADVANCE C5240 driver for Windows


Canon IR ADVANCE C5240 drivers for Mac OS


Canon IR ADVANCE C5240 software for Windows


Canon IR ADVANCE C5240 is a device that prints documents, images and much more in high quality. It has many features that make it easier to print from anywhere at any time.

This is a universal printer with scanning functions. It can be used to print photos or documents from anywhere at any time.

Canon IR ADVANCE C5240 is capable of producing prints with a resolution of up to 1200 pixels per inch (ppi) both in color and in black and white. This means that it can create prints with very fine details, which is ideal for those who want to print photos. The printer also has an impressive maximum print speed of 50 inches per second in both color and black and white, which means you can quickly print a large number of prints without compromising quality.

The printer prints at a speed of up to 200 pages per minute thanks to the two-sided automatic document feed and the print head alignment system. It also includes an automatic duplication device for double-sided printing; it has two paper trays for storing paper or special media such as envelopes; and it supports wireless networking.

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