Canon IR ADVANCE C5235 driver

The Canon IR ADVANCE C5235 driver is a printer driver that is compatible with Windows 10. It was created by Canon, which means it has the same features as other drivers designed by the company.

The installation process should be relatively straightforward and will only take a few minutes to complete.

How to install driver for Canon IR ADVANCE C5235 printer

  • In the table below, select the operating system that suits you;
  • Download the driver or software by clicking on the “Download” button
  • After the download is complete, run the file. To start, in most operating systems, you need to double-click on the installation file and follow the prompts of the wizard.
  • The “Installation Wizard” will help you install the printer driver and software correctly

Canon IR ADVANCE C5235 driver for Windows


Canon IR ADVANCE C5235 drivers for Mac OS


Canon IR ADVANCE C5235 software for Windows


Canon IR ADVANCE C5235 is a compact, lightweight and elegant printer with the ability to print on a wide variety of media. It can print in color and black-and-white modes and has wireless capabilities. This machine is ideal for any small office or home use.

This printer is equipped with a large touchscreen display that allows users to easily configure the device and monitor its operation. The Canon IR ADVANCE C5235 is also equipped with an automatic document feeder that can hold up to 50 sheets of paper at the same time, allowing users to easily print multiple copies of documents at the same time.

It is a printer that provides high-quality printing for all your needs. It has many features, such as a 3.6-inch color LCD display, Wi-Fi connection and an Ethernet port.

The printer prints at a speed of up to 200 pages per minute thanks to the two-sided automatic document feed and the print head alignment system. It has a resolution of 600 x 600 dpi, a monthly duty cycle of 150,000 pages and a throughput of 1,000 sheets. The machine weighs just over 400 pounds and measures 43 x 38 x 28 inches (HxWxD).

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